Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012! I think...

Happy New Year!

Well, it didn't start like I wanted it to, but that is OK.  After I woke up, I started thinking about when I was young.  How I would get up early on our "school holidays" like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year to watch the parades that were on the TV.  I woke this morning looking forward to seeing the Tournament of Roses parade and it won't be shown until tomorrow WHEN I'M AT WORK!!  This has thrown off my whole day.  I was going to sit on the couch, watch the parade while eating my breakfast, and then start watching the football games while doing laundry.  Now I am a little off kilter because I had a plan and now I have to change it.  I am OK with changing my plans but it doesn't feel right that I can't watch the parade.  It has always been a tradition.

Why do people get so upset about breaking a tradition?  Is it because they feel a little of themselves slipping away?  Or is it because if the tradition breaks that nothing will every be the same?  I don't really remember if my family had traditions because we had so much going on, but I do remember New Year's day and always watching the parade.  There are going to be repeats of the parade that I can watch but it won't be the same.  I know I am going to be OK because this tradition has now been broken, but it still is upsetting to me a little because I won't be able to watch it on this day.

So that made me start thinking about where I am in my life.  No, I am not where I always thought I would be but that doesn't get me down.  I am still "young" enough to do some of the things that I have wanted to do.  I have decided to write my 2012 Bucket List... things I want to have happen within this year.  I know most people write their lists to complete by the time they pass away but I want to list things that can be reached so that I can feel accomplished.  I see this list as kind of like a "To Do" list instead of a "what I need to do before I die" list.  So I think that I will start a new tradition each year and make a list of things that I want to do by that year's end.  They may always have some of the same things listed but until I complete those things, they will go on the list again.  So in theory, I will have a bucket list if it takes me until I pass away to complete them...LOL.

I always thought that I would be married and have children but that wasn't in the cards.  I have enjoyed watching my friends get married, have children, and being there for them if they need me. They let me share my love for their children as if they were my own.  As some of you know, I did get married but it didn't work out.  I know this may sound very uncharacteristic of me but I am happy with just being in a relationship and not being married.  It really is hard work getting use to sharing things when you have had them all to yourself for so long.  I guess I have been selfish all my life and didn't realize it until I got married.  I don't like people touching my stuff and I like my big bed all to myself!  But then again, I like spending time with my special someone as much as I can.  I know I can't have the best of both worlds but a girl can try can't she?  LOL

I am going to make my list sensible and attainable with things that I know are not outrageous.  I am hoping that I will have a list of 10 things (at least) that I will be able to accomplish by the end of the year.  I am going to be thinking of them today and will post them in my next blog.

So I wish each of you who reads this a Blessed and Happy New Year and hope that you can keep your resolutions if you made them.... One tradition I know that no one every breaks, Right? :o)