Sunday, January 8, 2012

Getting nervous...

Tomorrow is that day!  I am seeing a doctor before I start my training and I just hope I don't get too bad of news about my "health".  You always think that you are doing OK and not really damaging yourself but in reality we don't know.  I am sure that I will get some disappointing news but I know that I can turn it around.  I do have another concern and it deals with female stuff.  I would have to choose the week that I "start" to start working out!  I have a heavy flow and I know that once I am at my training, I can't use the excuse of "I am sorry but I have to go to the restroom to "change" every ten minutes.  So in a way I hope that I get a female trainer so that she may be some what sympathetic to my situation :o)

I'm gonna cut this short because I need to prepare for tomorrow.

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