Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ice and snow.... STAY AWAY!!

For my loyal fans, I want to apologize for not posting yesterday.  The only excuse that I can give you is that I was exhausted and just crashed when I got home from work.  After dealing with customers nearly all day, I had to go "panic" shopping last night to get ready for this winter storm that is headed our way.  I understand that we may get some bad weather, but do you have to freak out over a loaf of bread?  I saw a woman last night yell at a man for grabbing at "her" loaf of bread.  She already had 5 in her cart!  I just got what I thought I would need and went to pay for it, WHICH TOOK.... only 15 mins... hahaha  Thought I was gonna say an hour or something. LOL... I just lucked up when someone with a full cart backed out of an aisle, so I swooped in and took their spot!  I bought about 6 bags of wood just in case the power went out so that me and my roomies would at least have heat.  Anyway, a fire in a fireplace does make snow a lot more bearable! :o)

Why does the mention of the word snow drive the south into such a panic?  I mean, when I was a kid, I BEGGED for it to snow... But now as an adult, if I hear that four letter word, it ticks me off!  Not that it is going to snow, but for the simple fact that that is when the complete idiot drivers come out!  They are predicting 4-7 inches for Atlanta on Monday, which I have to work a full shift from 9-6 if I can make it to work.  Ok, so the weather channel or some tv news center has given the warning.... PANIC INSUES!!!!  More than likely, it won't be as bad as they say... fingers crossed... but if it is, there really isn't anything that we can do to stop Mother Nature!  Things like this happen every 10 to 20 years, can't change the cycle.  So why don't we all just calm down, relax, and just let it happen.  If they saw don't go out, THEN DON'T GO OUT!  Don't make others suffer because you didn't heed the weather man's warning!  I calmly went out after work last night and got what I needed, didn't plow anyone over for milk or bread, just got my things and left.  That simple.... I knew not to do it today because all the procrastinators are going to clean out the shelves today!

So here is some simple advice to all my "one" reader (lol), please be safe and smart.  Make sure you have something to keep you occupied and your belly full so you won't have to go out into the "panic strickened' world to find the LAST loaf of bread.  Enjoy the view, I know it will be beautiful with snow, it always is.

Stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. Im hoping it doesnt snow at all! Clayton has to work an extra shift tomorrow night and we still really need the money! Plus come Monday, im SO ready for my kids to go back to school, that if they will be short a niece and nephew! ROFL!

    Not to mention we did not budget for this. We spent ALL of our money on bills this week, and wont have any money for food until Thursday. I made the last of our food stretch so that we could pay more bills. But none of it can really be ate without power, so if we lose power, we lose food. Not to mention we would have no source of heat! I really, really hope that it just passes us by, like it usually does when they holler snow!
