Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cleansing... my body and my closet!

Happy 1st day of 2011!

What a great first day of my 2011!  I have started my new way of eating and it really isn't that bad.  Had a great breakfast and going to have a great lunch.  Have been drinking a little more water like I normally do everyday but starting to visit the restroom more than usual.  So the cleanse is working!  Yes, I have a little help, but it is doctor approved.   Not doing anything to harm myself.  I did the same thing back a couple of years ago and I am doing it the same way now.  There are some people (you know who you are) who remember when I did this before and saw the results.  Fortuantely, I didn't gain all my weight back, but I did gain back a little more that I wanted to.  So, here is to looking better and feeling better!(Toasting with my water :o) )

Now onto the closet!  I am going to get rid of all the clothes that I don't wear or really don't need.  There are some that I have had for such a long time that I just need to "cut the ties", so to speak.  Of course, I am keeping the most important things, but getting rid of all the pants that have elastic in them so I won't fall back on the "fat clothes."  I should also "cleanse" my flip flops but ummmm.... NO!  I still need to co-ordinate my outfits that I am keeping!  LOL.  Hello.....My name is Leigh Anne and I am a flip flop-aholic.  If I could wear them at work, I soooo would!

Next, I will cleanse my mind.  I need to get all the feelings out on paper and then burn them so that they are gone and I can move on.  Forgiveness is the best way to just get those feelings out of my mind and heart so that I can be the best person I know that I can be.  Jesus said to turn the other cheek... well both of mine are still pink and stinging, but once I do this, that pain will go away and I will be able to trust and love again.  But with time, and HIS Love, that will come.

I am not giving myself unrealistic deadlines with any of these things that I need to do, but I am not going to procrastinate like I normally do.

So bring on 2011!  I am so ready for what this year is going to bring!

1 comment:

  1. Leigh Anne, I really enjoyed this. I hope that you will keep the blog up this year. I have my business blog but am thinking about starting another one. Hmmmm.

    At any rate, I wish you the best. I admire you for your dedication and your recognition that you need to forgive and move on. Take care.
